Thursday, December 13, 2012

I am a wannabe!

A while ago I posted about Agnes Cecile about her awesome watercolour skills. So yesterday I tried painting like her. I have to admit that my watercolour skill is actually below average compared to her but well, practice makes perfect!

So at first I drew this model photo.

This is supposed to be a portrait of Barbara Palvin!

When I was about to put in the final touches, I realized that my technical pens are missing. Then again I couldn't remember the last time I used them. So consider that as 70% finished.

And then I got so inspired I wanted to draw some more! After awhile thinking, I decided to draw a portrait of me and my darling bestfriend, Atiqah. How sweet of me..


Us and tiny butterflies!
I guess she looks like her but I don't look like myself here? In the real photo my eyes looked a bit rounded than this. But that's ok.. like I said, practise makes perfect!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Lately I was so into painting! So I Googled and Youtubed for inspirations and I found this!!!

Her artworks are just so awesome! I adore her to the max!!!! I wanna paint like her so badly!! I love Agnes Cecile!!!

Now where's my paintbrush?


Its been awhile since the last time I blogged about random stuff. I wasn't inspired to do so back then. But now that I have the courage and confidence, I promised myself to keep on blogging and inspire myself to do awesome stuff! Woohoo!!

Anyways, lately I've been working on a couple of handmade projects that I planned to put on sale (let me know if you're interested). Some of it would be my mom's awesome handsewn tote bags made out of recycled jeans that she could hunt at the bundle store!

To have made it from recycled jeans of course each and every one of it is unique. Check these out!

So the price ranges from RM50 - RM 150 depending on materials and intricacy.

Having an awesome mom who knows how to sew, I even made her sew some canvas bags for me to paint on! (Pictures coming soon!)

Friday, July 20, 2012


I'm here to wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters 
May you all have a blessed Ramadan, grow in Islam, Ihsan and Iman

Here's a little something from me to you.
Share it! :)

Friday, July 6, 2012


I love the left one!

I used to not wear dresses due to the fact that I used to be a little boyish when I was younger. Back then, I thought acting all girlie was pretty uncool (for me). BUT NOW, as i get older wiser, I feel that showing off my demure side is much more age appropriate. Career wise, I feel that being fashionable and creative sells and reflects myself as a designer. Having a tight budget, I think investing on dresses is surely lagi affordable than buying a pair of jeans. A pair of Levis would cost me RM300 and it only covers the bottom part of my body! But a dress would on cost me around RM40 -RM 80 but boleh cover semua lah ok plus a much more sophisticated look!

When buying a dress, I would prefer it to be plain, flowy and simple (that is the key to be chic with success!). The dress needs to be simple so that I can mix and match and most importantly, I wont bump in to another person wearing the same dress!

Choose contrasting colors for a little 'pop'

Choose colors that harmonize just to be safe

Free your creativity when wearing a simple dress. Pair it with a cardigan for a subtle look or a blazer for a chic look or even a rider jacket for an edgier look. Those who wears hijab, go wild with the patterns of your hijab. Choose colors that compliment to dress safe or color that contrasts for an arty outcome! Either way, just dress up confidently!


Oxford Booties. I love!
Shoes are just a plus point for me. It doesnt really matter to me because tak ada siapa yang boleh nampak kaki I pon so who cares? But then again, I always pair up dresses with either oxford boots, basic black boots, pump shoes or even strappy sandals for the laid back look.

 # Oh well, got myself the pink one from I cant wait for the parcel to arrive!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


A while ago I did post something about branding yourself and why it is important. And today I'm gonna talk about how to dress up for an interview. Dressing up for an interview is as important as branding yourself. As a designer myself, I believe not wearing safe colors for an interview is the key. 

Well you can choose to wear black, white, grey or even brown but have something that pops out for instance, a bright pink colored shawl with a black maxi dress.. brave but safe.

I remembered the time when I went for an interview and i wore a bright red top and a grey shawl with pink flowers on it (yes people.. I'm a tudung girl) and a denim long skirt. I believe designers should portray themselves as what they are through what they wear. Color combination is the key. If you're brave enough, go color blocking! 

Color Blocking office wear?? perhaps..

If the potential employer couldn't recall your name, at least they can remember that you're the candidate who dressed up vibrantly (and pleasantly of course) not boringly! What you wear for an interview is the impression that you're gonna give to the potential employer.


Thursday, June 28, 2012


 What is branding?

We are all aware of different brands such as Mcdonalds and Nando's (All I can think now is food!!!).When you think of Mcdonalds, the thing that probably come to mind is the the golden arches (Alaa.. McD punya logo tu laa). When you think of Nando's, you probably think “Peri Peri.” We think these things because this is how those company’s brand themselves.

So how do YOU brand yourself? 

How do you want people to remember u?

How do u portray yourself to be different? To be you!

Why is it important?

With the job market NOT being at its best and the competition being stiffer than ever, standing out is VERY important. When this happens, sehebat mana your resume is pon orang tak kisah sebab dah bersepah sangat graduates yang jobless. Employers get piles of resumes when they have a job opening. They google you and check your social networking sites to see the type of person you “really” are. How you portray yourself on the internet is how you are branding yourself to people who do not know you. If you have a half naked picture holding a bottle of liquor as your profile picture on Facebook, then you are portraying (branding) yourself as a hardcore party animal.

If you're the type who likes to whine about stuff, orang pon naik menyampah and people would think that you cant keep up with pressure and you give up on things easily.

If you're the type who likes to bad mouth others, potential employers would think that you will be the one yang akan berpolitik kat dalam office tu.

ALWAYS think twice before you post something that you would then regret. Think wisely. If you want to stand out, do it in a positive way. Competition is very stiff. So STAND OUT!